De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

12 February 2013

I'd definitely miss studying. :/
It's already half of February, and March is fast approaching. The school year ends and the new would start on June .... and the next thing I know ... I am free from school!
I myself know how much I hate school, not the building and the lessons, but the people in there. I don't think I would even miss them (like how I felt with the people from my previous college, I'm sorry). But I would absolutely miss writing, listening and other stuff that's only done at school. I will miss being a student so much! I only have one year left and the life I used to have would throw me into the life I'm supposed to have. I get a bit nervous thinking about it, but then, we cannot do anything but face what's inevitable.

I don't have plans yet (which is sooooo me), but I'd like of course,  to have a job and earn money. I'd really want to buy a condo unit (Lord, please grant this to me). If I can (I know I can, because God is with me!), I would continue studying (I don't know which course yet). Getting married is way too far from my mind right now, and loving someone too bad is my advantage for it. It would make me set aside love life for a while (which is good for me) and make me focus on building my own life. 

I know that life after school would not be very easy, but God is there... He is my provider and my strength. With Him on my side, everything is possible and I can do anything, all for His glory! :))) 

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