De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

10 February 2011

Exodus 33:1 - 34:17 (day); Exodus 34:18 - 35:35

Feb. 10 (day)
Chapter: Exodus 33:1-34:17
Today's Memory Verse/s: Exodus 33:14
Title of Devotion: God is my intimate friend
Command/s: If I wish to consult the Lord, I could go and meet Him
Warning/s: I must find favor with God
Promise/s: 'I myself will go along, to give you rest'; 'I will carry out your request'
-Spiritual - I will consult everything to God
-Intellectual - I will free myself from worry and know that God will go along with me.
-Emotional - I will be grateful because God is with me.
-Physical - I will be confident.
-Social - I will be a good friend to other people.

Feb. 10 (night)
Chapter: Exodus 34:18 - 35:35
Today's Memory Verse/s: Exodus 34:20
Title of Devotion: An offering is a must
Command/s: Always bring an offering to God
Warning/s: 'No one shall appear before me empty-handed'
Promise/s: Ex. 34:24
Testimony: Every decision I made today, I prayed first to God and asked Him if I should do it. A while ago, I went to OMPH in Springville Heights to attend an El Shaddai prayer group meeting there. I was invited to share God's goodness and I accepted it without thinking twice which is really great because I didn't worry about what will I say 'coz God is with me. I am very confident and i successfully delivered my speech. About being a good friend, I forwarded my devotion to a friend and then he replied, "thank you good friend" ... so, is it enough proof that I've been a good friend today? :)

Exodus 30:1 - 31:11 (day); Exodus 31:12 - 32:35

Feb. 9 (day)
Chapter: Exodus 30:1-31:11
Today's Memory Verse/s: Exodus 31:11
Title of Devotion: God's lavish gift of talents
Command/s: 'all these things they shall make just as I have commanded you'
Warning/s: I must follow God's command at all times.
Promise/s: 'I will meet you and help you so that you can fulfill my command'
-Spiritual - I will ask for God's help
-Intellectual - I will keep in mind the commands of God
-Emotional - I will be happy and thankful to God.
-Physical - I will discover one talent and do it.
-Social - I will share that talent to others.
Feb. 9 (night)
Chapter: Exodus 31:12 - 32:35
Today's Memory Verse/s: Exodus 31:13
Title of Devotion: Keep the Sabbath day Holy
Command/s: Keep the Sabbath as something sacred; 6 days are for doing work, but the 7th day is of complete rest sacred to the Lord.
Warning/s: Anyone who does work on the Sabbath day shall be put to death.
Promise/s: 'I will make of you a great nation'; 'My angel will go before you'; 'I will punish them for their sin'

Of course my day won't start without asking for God's help in everything that I'll do and I will encounter for the whole day. I know some of God's commands and so I keep them in my mind and whenever (as I've observed today) I do something that opposes His command, I remind myself about it. I've always been happy and thankful to God about it.Well, I have difficulty in discovering a talent in myself because I've always believed that I wasn't gifted with any but God had given everyone but I haven't found yet. So I hope before the week ends I could, so I can share it with others. :)