De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

30 November 2011

Yeah, really.

Facebook is so wonderful. It never fails to remind you about someone's birthday. .. you know .. it's just .. amazing. I mean, yeah ... people always forget someone's big day, and that is the number one excuse that they haven't greeted. But because Facebook exist, you won't have any escape ... unless you are not an active user. And the funny thing is, those people that aren't that close to you or let's just say, not worth of your greeting .. you happen to wish them a happy birthday at the end of the day. It's like Facebook is motivating you to do so. Well, thanks to Facebook, people feel like they are really important. I mean, in regular scenarios, most people, especially those that are in adulthood stage were very emotional during their important born day because they feel like nobody remembers them. But because of Facebook, it may not be all but at least, more people greets on your wall .. even those that you don't even know personally. 

Well, the bottom line is, ... ah .. just read the photo above. LOL. XD