De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

01 April 2013

I miss my books. I haven't read since the editing of our research paper started ... and it was like ... 2-3 weeks now?!?? But I promised myself that after my busy days, I will turn to my numerous books awaiting at my table. :) But well, it was a good thing though, because it's also 2-3 weeks since I last tried to stop myself from buying books. After our defense, I will probably go back to how my life started this year .... seeing myself in Booksale surrounded by soooooooo many books. Can't wait to check new arrivals soon. :) I am looking forward to buy that Confessions of a Shopaholic. I want and I must! ~~

Amen to that!

There are still times when I think about ... us... before. But you know what? I have noticed something .... the pain ... it seems vanishing. I don't know if I became numb or .. is this what they call "getting over"?! Well, I still don't want to conclude on that. I mean, here I am again, feeling like I'm moving on and then one situation, one incident, and I end up seeing myself torn apart again. I think I should just enjoy my life now. If memories came, then there's no reason for me to deprive myself of it. Anyway, good or bad memories about "us", it's still something I'd treasure forever in my heart. No room for bitterness for now. :) ♥
~~just chillin' a bit before our thesis defense a few hours from now. :) I'm nervous, I haven't reviewed and memorized everything (oh, well, I am not capable of memorizing though). Relaxing isn't a crime right? I still have all the chance to give myself at least a little break. I don't have to hug distress and worry now. It won't help. All I need to do is clear my mind, focus, pray, and believe that God is with us. It keeps all the fear away.  After an hour tomorrow, I would and I claim that I will be enjoying my summer vacation. :)

A couple of posts would do before I get back to work again. :) 
