De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

06 July 2013

Random thoughts. ~

I'm sorry about my recent posts on wanting to go to 'kinky places'. Sorry doesn't mean I'd delete it and never do it again, mind you. What I mean with my sorry is, sorry if it offends you in some ways and sorry because I know it would change your impression about me (you'd most probably think that I am a lustful woman whatsoever). 

You know, I want to be there because I want to learn more. Like since I was in high school, I really wished I could take up Sexology as my course (which a friend told me needs a Psychology course before you take up that major, and well, I doubt it if Philippines has such courses offered.) Anyway, it's not because I'm a sex addict or a nymphomaniac. I JUST WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE SUBJECT. With plans of applying it someday, maybe, but most of all, I'd like my mind to be more open and understand why many people love such earthly things.

Well, I don't have to explain everything. No matter how I defend my side, if someone who'd ever read this would want to think I'm not the woman I am supposed to be in, I can't do anything about it. No matter what we do, either positive or negative, people will always throw their judgments on you (as if you were asking for it, huh?!)

I do believe that the more you know about something, the lesser you'd be thinking it was dirty. :) That's why I really want to expose myself with the act of sex, the world of the LGBT community, the mishaps of mistresses, and so on. Real stuff. Things that most people do not understand. I think education was invented so that we could expand our understanding, not discriminate people and judge them. Education does not mean you are entitled to put an eye on someone, not unless it is what your education have thought you. And well, as for me, this is how I educate myself. 

If you don't have anything good to say, just stay away from my blog  and mind your own thing!

ooohhhh... la .. la... (I'd love to go here! Added to my lists! :*)

I am determined to go to SLEEP!!!!

This week had been very tiring for me yet very fulfilling. I was able to do a lot of things though I was sometimes deprived of sleep, just like now. :/ I find it very interesting doing "high school stuff". I don't think I will be missing school when I graduate, because with my lazy sister, I will forever be a student! LOL

It isn't bad though. At least I'm still learning and it helps me recall every lesson I've been through before .... which is really important, I just realized. Before, I always keep on asking myself what the hell all of those terms would do with my life, but as I grew older, I keep on asking myself why I don't remember those things. Because I need it now. Really. I mean I need algebra and physics and economics because they're still essential in some ways ... if you still remember them, you'd never look like an idiot trying to answer a child's question about his/her assignment, seriously. You know, it's not only about what we will benefit but what we can make out of it. Like, if we just try to study so hard and remember every single detail in our books, well, we could make a future with bright individuals as our descendants. Wouldn't it be nice?

Anyhow, my post isn't really about that. I want to sleep. That's all. haha! I've been awake for like 12 hours. Pimples ahead! wew :/

Good morning everyone! :D

I guess I'll have to take some sleeping pill. It's because, whenever I crossed 3AM without sleeping, I will end up awake for the rest of the day. I don't want that to happen, because I really feel my body needs to rest. wew. I've got to have a good sleep because I'll be doing my essay today. God bless to me, and to you as well! :))