De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

25 June 2009

weeew...early dismissal again!!

hello!! haha..I was so happy this day. My class would start at 2:30 am and so I don't have to force myself to wake up early. It was a cold day. It rained very hard outside and the classes were suspended for elementary and highschool.(I wished I was high school)...

I woke up at 8, it's late actually, I have much things to do. I was lazy then, I don't want to go to school. But I have to. When I leave our house, it was not raining anymore. I left my younger sister alone. I went to Western Union in Las Piñas near SM Southmall first. I checked if my lola have already received the money my mom sent to them but it's still there.

I went to school. I was not late. I was 30 minutes early when I arrived there. I waited for Karen and her friend, Annaliza. I wasreading my book then. Then we went to school. I was nervous because that bitch lady guard again was there. Then when I went in she said "No, it's not allowed". I thought it was me. haha:)

Then we went to our first class, Math. It was fun. Our proffesor is good. I miss Sir Arman (my Math teacher in fourth year). He's really good in Algebra. I regret not listening to him in class and just sleeping there. But still I was happy.

After that we had our 30 minute break. Then we waited again for our next subject. But still we don't have our teacher so we all went home. It was early!! really!!!

thank God I was saved!

magsisimba pa tau aa..hello there! I wasn't able to post yesterday eventhough I came home early (I came home at 6:50 pm,, it was too early for me!). It's because I'm still too tired and I still have lots of things to do. But well, now, I will tell you about yesterday.

It was a very terrific day. I didn't expect it to be like that. You know, I don't want these kind of things to happen but it happens.

My class would start at 10 am and so I should leave home at 8am. But because I was busy surfing the net, I left at 8:30 (30 minutes is a big difference in my time!). I bought some fan, band aids and hair clips before I ride a jeep (I just want to include this). All the things happened before going to school is riding jeepneys, watching people around..all was usual. What is only different is the little disturbance in Muntinlupa because of a motorcycle accident. But it's not really bad. It was hardly raining. good thing I have my umbrella and I wore civilian clothes. I went to the entrance to wait for Karen. She arrived just in time, I did not wait too long for her compared yesterday.

In the main entrance of our school, I was not allowed to enter the campus because that bitch lady guard in the door said I was wearing a tokong and it's not allowed. I don't worry much because I have too many companions outside. The problem with the, is that they are in slippers. I waited there outside, actually for nothing. The bitch said that we should now go home because we're wasting our time there blocking the way. I hate her actually. From now on, I will be cursing her day by day!hehe...just kidding!

I was touched to Karen because she don't want to leave me all along in the entrance, She convinces me to enter at the new building (there is no guard there) or in the exit. But still I don't want. She really insist, but in the end, I won. I told her to go up and I'll be there soon. She's really worried about me.

While waiting, 2 of my classmates asked if I still want to enter the campus. Of course I want, for I was already too late for our first class. So they planned. The plan is, This girl in pink (girl#1) said that the girl in white (girl#2) will borrow my shoe because they both have slippers but girl #1 has a shoe. When they entered, they will go directly on the rest room and girl#1 will take off her pants and girl#2 will go out to give it to me. The plan worked. They both came up. I waited in the exit. While waiting, I saw 2 of my classmates again, Sheka and Ann. Ann was in slippers too. I asked Sheka if I could text from her phone because I don't have load. ahh, good thing Sheka is so good. I texted Papa to bring me pants but I forgot to mention where he would bring it- at home or at school.

Then girl#2 arrived. but she forgot my shoe! I was wearing her sandal so the bitch will still not allow me to enter eventhough I have already pants. So, we just go to the canteen and there I changed. Then the plan is, she will go up again and get my shoe. But she returned again asking for my COM because hers is not there and girl#1's is not there in the bag too. So I handed her my COM.

But unfortunately, I don't know what the hell happened to her...but I saw her go on the office with the guard (that guard is obviously the head of all the guards). From that moment, I already knew that we are caught in our act!!

I was quietly waiting outside when suddenly, that superior guard was calling out my name. I said I am "--" and he said I follow him. I entered from the exit (because it's where I was standing)...then this bitch lady guard was running towards us and said, "Hey, who allowed you to enter?". I pointed my index finger towards their superior and when she saw him it looks like she immediately hide in her shell..haha:)

We enter at the OSDS (I don't know what the hell it means..), there, I saw girl#2 sitting in front of a white table with a man sitting in front of her. I thought it was the 'prefect of discipline'. her soul is obviuosly not in her body, I mean she's really afraid what might happen to us. I sat on the chair next to her and there, they asked us what happened. Girl#2 is very honest. She tells everything...and so was I.

We told them about how it started, about the plan, what the hell will happen if we don't do it, the exchange of an important document which is the COM and everything!! That amazed them...I mean, they were shocked because we are girls, we should not have done things like that. The superior gusrd keep on telling about our major offense (exchanging documents and dishonesty is a major offense) and he said we'll probably be suspended for 10 school days! weeew!! That really got my nerves!!! I was getting nervous that time. I thought, what will happen to me for that 10 days?? How can I cope up with my subjects?? What will my parents say if they knew this?? oh...that really scared me..

The guard asked me if I know who the hell I handed my COM, I said she was my classmate but I don't know her name. That really sucks! They were all laughing. The guard asked me if I know the other suspect (girl#1), I said I know her in face but not in name. He told me to fetch her up from where she is. I was going out with my bag when the guard said I leave my bag there. I said my pants was there so I won't leave it. He allowed me to bring my bag the moment he knew that girl#1 doesn't have anything under her..:)

I fetched girl#1 and she was really nervous when she knew about what happened. She don't know what to do. I told her to just relax. When we arrived, weeew...I was really scared..the two of them start crying when the heard about our suspension..I also want to cry but I don't because if so, I will just be upset and regretful. I don't want to regret anything I've done, I always wanted to accept the consequences, good or bad, because it's what I choosed to it means I am ready to accept everything.Well, I just keep on smiling and I showed confidence so that I won't feel bad. Our first class was over now. We waited for the 'prefect of discipline' (I don't know what they call it but it's what it was calle din my previous school) He immediately arrived and asked what happened to us. My two classmates (girl#1-Rose, girl#2-Love Joy) can't speak because of fear so I was the one who told everything to him. He laughed, yes, it's funny, I admit it...I also laughed in front of them while relating our story...then he let us write on a paper but he doesn't write our major offense, only those wearing slippers and tokong. Then he gave us advice. Then he said we won't have any suspension. Wow!! It's really nice!!!

Then, we went happily to our next class. good thing we still don't have our teacher yet. Then we changed our room and have our class in Science. It's boring. I felt sleepy. I'm not really interested with geology..Then after that we had our lunch was too long. We just wander around and find a place to sit. Then we write our assignment in Filipino and English.

In our Filipino subject (it was in the speech laboratory), it was fun. I first thought our teacher is terror but she's not know. Ah, It's boring too. The most interesting subject for me that day is our last subject, English. Our teacher is good, she's nice when she talk. She called me up for recitation, good thing I answered it confidently. But I miss teacher Louna a lot (she's my English teacher in fourth year)...she's really my idol...especially when it comes to the way she speaks. I really really miss her!!!

After my recitation, Ikept on talking with my seatmate, Karen, we talked about how corny our class is and we hate my other seatmate which is an emo. But I was sad because I've been so bad to her but she's really nice. haha..

Well, it's not a too bad day. I arrived home immediately. there are no heavy traffic anywhere!! It's nice!!!