De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

26 December 2011

…because even though right now they promise to be there for you, forever and always; they will break you.
They will fucking break you.
You won’t work right anymore.
Sixth months will have passed, and you won’t even know how to fucking breath without them. You’ll go numb. You’ll stop feeling anything, good or bad.
You’ll stop caring about work, school, friends and family.
Nothing will matter to you except sleep, which ironically you’ll stop getting decent amounts of.
If you base your happiness on another person, you will get screwed over.
Let me just repeat that for emphasis: you will get screwed over.
Truth is, people are dishonest sons of bitches. Hell, even I am. We all are. Yet we all continue going around, making promises that everyone knows we’ll never keep.
Why make the promises at all?
Why put on such a big show, only to hurt someone?
What’s the point of it all?
Love is painful. Then, for a few briefs moments of time, love is fearless. And then it goes right on back to being painful. Only, the post-fearless painful isn’t like the painful before, because now you’re being forced to turn love into a past tense. Now you’re expected to go back to how you were before you ever loved. And that’s impossible. Because once you have loved, and I mean truly loved someone, you are forever changed. Nothing will ever make you go back to how you were before…and nothing will ever really fill the gaping hole left in your chest by the absence of that person.
Nothing will ever be the same. Because people are mean. And they lie about loving someone. And they make someone happy, they promise them the world, and then they rip it all away and leave them broken.
Don’t base your happiness off someone else, or you’ll end up worse off than before.

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