De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

08 September 2011

Memory Lane

Have you remembered a time when you happen to be in a place and then suddenly remembering that memory you have buried a long time ago? It sucks isn't it. Yeah .. well, it happens. It always happens.

My current school for me is one of the best place to describe this. I have this old friend (yeah, he's old. literally) that has been my classmate for a semester. We've been .. a .. I don't know if we're good friends but .. at least we're friends. LOL. And well, now that we're not close anymore (how sad) .. I have to forget everything that happened before. But because as I have said on my other post, I am so attached to those I call my friends. So whenever I came to cross on places somewhere in our school .. even a chair .. reminds me of him. It really sucks. I never liked the feeling of missing someone .. knowing the fact that they never ever miss you back. But well .. 'memory lanes' are still good things .. it's sad but .. at least they remind you that something, somewhere, somehow, for quite sometime .. a good and a happy memory happened.

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