De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

17 June 2015

Late night thoughts. Zzzzzzz......

How much pain can a person endure? 
Which is worst? emotional or physical pain?

I have asked these questions while I was in a bus a while ago, watching a movie where Sylvester Stallone is in. The story is quite interesting, though I can't stand seeing how they were tortured in the scenes.

I am not going into too much detail, I just want to share some thoughts, some questions that I had asked myself.

I know these will be answered soon, but for now I would settle for this last thought I had before I alighted from the bus.... the mind and the physical body of a human being has it's way of dealing with pain. When the mind cannot contain the pain it receives anymore, it breaks down as a defense mechanism, but it doesn't shutdown. When our physical body finally reach the limit of the level of pain it can endure, the body will die. But when the heart, the poor little muscle in the middle of our internal body receives pain, it can still beat as it is supposed to. It still works even if it's shattered. It still functions even if the whole body and the system gives up, making it the world's strongest muscle aside from the tongue. 

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