De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

01 July 2013

Thank God for this wonderful day! :)

Well... I would say that I had a not-too-nice but enough-nice-day today. :D I've been late (as usual) in my class, but it went on just right. The activities and the discussions were fine and I've learned many things which adds to the reasons why I don't regret this day. After that I was able to chat with few of my classmates, and help someone to make his assignment. Plus, I've spent my time with a long lost classmate (LOL) in the mall. :) Good thing she's so willing to spend a lot of time with me today, because I really don't want to go home early. You know, if no one wants you, it's easier to lead yourself away from them. ~~ Anyway, I was just glad that I'm here now at home at last, and one thing that makes me feel better is that my crush was now singing again. LOLOLOLOL! XD I remember before, I used to share him with my guy, all from his heavenly voice, his unknown face to me (because I haven't met him yet though we're neighbors!) and the song "When Love and Hate Collide" that reminds me of him. :) My guy get really annoyed every time I mention him. hahaha! Well, it's been a long time since I've heard him sing! Before, like... more than a year ago .... I am all alone here in my room and he's just there somewhere outside singing with all his angelic voice and I can't help but emote to the highest level. haha! Then when I had a lover, I seldom hear him sing, maybe because I usually  go home sooooooo late at night. Anyhow, I'm very happy to hear him again. Not in my saddest, but in my natural mode at night. I'm looking forward for his other songs on the following nights ... and I hope ... someday .. I'd know who he was. :) 

-ako'y sayo at ika'y akin. it's his song for tonight. :) 

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