De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

05 November 2011

I want to breathe ....

I was walking earlier on my way home from my aunt's house. I was thinking about this thing that happened to bother me overnight. Then, I've tried breathing hard, I mean, inhaling and exhaling to the fullest extent .. some kind of a release. I was so disappointed with the smell I wasn't supposed to sense, but then it wasn't the real thing that would ever discourage me to breathe hard again. 

It's really about that choking feeling inside. I know it wasn't air that I need. I have been well-sustained by oxygen around. But I really feel like there's something that stops me from enjoying inhaling and exhaling. I don't mean any serious health conditions here .. I am referring to that feeling when you're hurt. Have you ever experienced that? Like it hurts so much it feels like you're drowning and slowly dying inside. That's what I've felt. I only wish that whenever I feel that way, I should really drown myself and die, literally.

Well, I regret that I didn't enjoyed the fresh air when I was in Tagaytay for a retreat. I could have inhaled and exhaled a lot there. I could have forget all the pains I am going through, and just live perfectly for a day. But I didn't. I've wasted my stay there. I really regret it. 

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