De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

07 October 2011

First post after a long time, and it's about how I hate everything.


This day had been .. ah .. I can't describe it. How could you define a day of a big shit. Everything that happened isn't just nice. I mean, everything seems ruined.

I wasn't really feeling that bad. It's just that after a very stressful week, here comes the big day. 

I am really tired. I haven't slept for the past few days 'coz I'm busy doing my projects which until now is not yet through. When I woke up this morning, it was like my body don't like to separate with my bed. And then at school, when I arrive, I will see a lot of bullshits there (I'm so sorry for the term). 

Morning. I was so annoyed at everything that I see. I felt dizzy. I didn't talk with anyone and I've tried to entertain no one. Yeah, I'm bad, but I wasn't really in the mood.

Lunch. A bunch of bitches around me. There's this someone who brags about everything with herself. Honestly, I don't like her. She's so fond of telling stories over and over again .. it's so tiring. She keeps on telling she's above everyone .. duh?! She's nothing but a big ugly duckling. 
There's also this someone who annoyed me because of his non-stop expression that I am boastful. What the hell is he talking about? I know it's his new expression, but please, could he just shut his mouth up? I haven't done anything wrong with him, I mean, I'm just somewhere telling a story and then he tells me that thing. I really hate it.
There's also this girl I've been with whose very disgusted with one of our classmates who happened to have undergone with chicken pox last week. She keeps on telling that she finds it gross. Didn't she know that she looks more gross than that of our classmate?? I hate her.
There's also this a, group of classmates I have. They are the best shits I've ever met this day. They're simply stupid. We are talking about one thing and they are encouraging us to speak our ideas for the brainstorming. And you know what?? The moment you delivered your idea and explain it, they would drop it (without you even having plotted your point yet) and then they'll get angry. Wow. Very intelligent people. 
And there's this one guy who kept on telling things and when I ask him what it is all about, he would tell "you know it". What the! Would I ask if I knew it?? Do I read minds? Do I know everything? 

For short, my day's so messed up. I wanna scream!!! I really wanna tell the whole wide world how much I hate everything today !!!! But well, I know, the world won't care, because it doesn't even know me and that I exist.

I just hate this day. I'm really sorry. I'm human. I have emotions. I feel angry and you can't do anything about it.

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