De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

09 October 2011


I have been very busy lately that's why I didn't post anything. I really wish I could write everything that's on my mind because I always feel that I will be forgetting everything when I grow older .. but I can't. All I could actually do is to put everything in my heart. 

Well, nothing so special ever happened to me these past few days. It's just that I have passed my examinations (of course except in statistics), and I have spent a lot of days with my family (and I already had two nights that I have slept in our house with our WHOLE family.) I have also reconciled with my past hurts and my friends before are getting close again with me. Whoa! I was wrong. Everything that happened was indeed special. These are the things I thought would never happen again. I was so happy and of course, thankful to the Almighty Father. He has blessed me a lot. But I pray that He would not just take all of this away in one snap. I mean, He could prolong my happiness. I have been through a lot of heartaches and failures in the last months that passed. I really don't deserve these blessings, after all the mistakes that I have done .. but still God is so good. :))

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