De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

22 October 2011

The essence of a WOMAN

I have seen this last night in Facebook. I don't have any accurate knowledge about the unit and measures of pain, but reading this have really made me stand up on my sit, applaud and salute all the moms out there. Yeah, I know I look stupid but well, this is incredible. This is really amazing. 

Women are the carriers of life that God has made. They are the ones who take care of it in their wombs. Isn't it very hard to have something inside your tummy for 9 months? Yes, women's body are built for it, but imagine the sacrifice they undergo for it. For that span of time they are living their lives not just for themselves but also for that special someone inside them who needs them so much. Isn't it  fearful while you wait for that 9th month? Just think of yourself in the 8th month, after all the precautions .. the days are passing so fast .. you have to be ready for that final day. The Labor Day. One of the most painful days. And of course, the DELIVERY.

This is something that we should always keep in our minds and hearts. Our MOMS are not ordinary people. They are EXTRAORDINARY. They are SPECIALLY MADE by GOD for a special mission ..and that is, to take care of us in their womb. 

Now, if you are living whether a good or bad life right now, it's not a reason to hate your mom and blame her for having you here in this world. THE MERE FACT THAT YOU ARE ALIVE IS SOMETHING YOU SHOULD THANK FOR. Especially if you're a boy, you would never experience this sacrifice, so whatever grudges you have against women, just shut your mouth up.

I personally want, of course, to have my own children someday. Before, I was really afraid about this idea because they say it is very painful to bear a child. But well, it's what women are made for. .. and that's what I look forward to. :)

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