De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

09 September 2011

I'm praying for the right man .. at the right time ... at the right place.

Don't think: "If I'll just sleep with him, I'll get his love." What ends up happening, the guy uses you and then leaves, and you'll be hurt more than before. You can't force a guy to love you by giving him your body. He may like your body, but not you. Do you want someone to love your boobs, but not your personality, likes and dislikes. No girl likes to be treated like an object. You're not mere bodies, you have a soul, heart, and mind. You truly want to be loved as a complete human being. Wait for the right man to love you wholly as you are. Pray for him.

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