De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

18 July 2010

I'm really weak when any family is the subject....

Last Friday was our NSTP day. I really expected that after 2 consecutive meetings, Sir Lee (it) would be on our class. So there he was.

Ah...of course, he's not in his usual look. I have only known him for weeks as my professor, but his aura that day is really different. He's happy, yeah...he's a really jolly person. He can still throw jokes...but it's obvious...he's longing for something or...FOR SOMEONE.

It's been...ah...I'm sorry I can't remember how long it was since her loving mother died. But I tell you, the wound is still very fresh.

He dropped his class before us early so some of us (including me) jumped in the room early. We are only few. He looks sick. After a couple of minutes, a classmate of mine, who just arrived that time (she's the mole of she says...because she have this huge mole just below her nose.) asked Sir Lee (it) if they could photocopy the NSTP book authored by Sir Lee (it)'s dad...(he's Sir Lee (ki)). Then, an explanation from Sir Lee (it) followed...and I was a bit annoyed by the reaction of "mole of asia". She said, "what's the connection of his mother's death with my question??"...and then she laughed.

I can understand why she tells so, but she must have understood too what Sir Lee (it) was going through. And in fact, the answer delivered by Sir Lee (it) was the answer she needs...but she didn't expect.

Well, enough of it, the class started with his apology...for not attending the class 2 times. Then he tolds us about his mother, how much he loved her and how was it without her now. It was sad. Some of my classmates even cried while Sir Lee (it) express himself in tears. Yes, he's right. He's now 32 years old, but still he's like a little kid longing for is mother. I am emotional when it comes to these things...I admit I nearly cried...but only A DROP came out of my eyes. I don't want to add on the emotions inside our room.

One statement that I won't forget is... "when it hits you, it hits you like shit...!". Yeah, it really hits like shit. If it would happen to me, I don't know what I'm going to do.

But the best thing that he repeatedly told us is the common your loved ones how much you care for them before it's too late.

He dismised us early and as soon as I walked out the camp, I opened my bag, got my sandwich my mom made for me, and eat it with so much happiness and love while heading my way to SM Sucat.

I wish I could tell my parents how much I love them.....

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