De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

12 November 2012

Haters gonna Hate

There is a very old issue but still roams around all the corners of my school ... and lately, I've just heard that it even reached provinces too (wow, I'm a celebrity). What a pathetic gossiper and a paparazzi I have at school. What the hell does she really want from me? I mean, I've already stopped communicating, and talking about her just to stop all those shit. But then, I still get news about it. The worst I've heard so far? That a parent from a far away province actually knows about me (take note, she knows my name as well) and that I don't even know whose parent that is and who the hell that student is. I am really enraged upon knowing the stupid news. What right do they have to talk about me? and besides, they don't personally know me, I bet that parent haven't seen me for a single time. And that student who told her mother about it? I don't know yet who she is, but the mother said that her child is a good friend of that stalker I have. Huh, she better keep all her secrets to herself and not blurt it all out to her 'good friend'. It's because that 'good friend' they call is the bitch that used to be my companion before. And now, she's ruining my life and I don't know why. I didn't do anything bad to her, swear. I've been a good acquaintance to her, that's why it's really a big question why is she still talking ill to me until now. I thought everything is ok after we talked about it face to face, but then she didn't stop. I think she wants the whole Philippines to know that bullshit she spreads about me. The moment I've heard of it, I really want to kill her. But then, what's the point of reacting too much? The gossip was not true. It's been a long time, it's actually three years now since she formulated that story and still do not stop. Wow. And until now, she keep on tracking all my activities and my personal life. What a big fan I have, and a hater as well. Well, when I see her at school, I'll just smile at her for sure. That kills her. My smile annoys her too much, maybe because she cannot contain seeing me having the courage to smile at her in spite of all she had been doing towards me. And killing her inside by my sweet smile is better than ever. 


*I'm so sorry for the foul words. 

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