De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

02 December 2011

Your presence and time means a lot to me.


I am really poor at making titles. That's the worst part of everything. Like, when we are instructed to write essays .. I feel very calm when suddenly .. the teacher would remind us that we should put our own titles. That surely ruins my life. I'm really having a hard time in making titles. I don't know, maybe I'm just pressured because they always say that anything with good titles is worth the read .. and I really fear that my work won't even have a single reader because of how poor I am in making titles. Well, this is proven ... look at how worst my titles in this blog are. :/

This is how normally relationships go. .. but I pray that I would meet the man where I'd only experience until the stage of 'boyfriend/girlfriend' and then we'll jump into marriage. I mean ... I would want it to be perfect. I am willing to wait as long as I'd achieve it. It doesn't matter if I'm still single for now .. I'm not in a rush for a relationship. I want it to be sure .. I mean .. I would want it to be finalized. I am really praying for it. ♥

I wish I also knew I'll love you .. it would probably hurt less.

I really wish I knew I will fall for you the first time I saw you. I wish I have felt it. I wish I had the chance to warn and stop myself. I know, it would surely hurt less ... but it won't make my life happier than it is right now.


I remembered when I was in first year college, we are instructed by our NSTP professor to prepare a speech about anything we want. he just wants us to talk in front. So I've prepared a speech which tackles about chain messages. My introduction was an example of a chain message normally received in cellphones. So in front of the class, I stood while looking at the floor .. and then I faced the audiences, smiled and uttered the words "I LOVE YOU". You know what? The first person my eyes have spotted right after I lift up my head is HIM. I will never ever forget that scenario. Of course, by that time, I haven't taken it as anything but now .. I think it's a sign .. a sign given to me .. a sign telling me that sooner ... I will fall for that guy. And I did. 

I have been warned but I haven't payed attention to it. And so, fate played with me. If you'll ask me if I ever regret loving him .. even if it has caused a lot of pain .. I never ever did. if I felt bad about it .. ? NO. NEVER. It was one of the best chapter in my life. I am thankful that I am so stupid I haven't noticed the signs right away .. I am thankful because I've been too foolish to let myself fall for him ... if those things never did happened .. I won't be this happy.