De Moi

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Love usually ends in pain and hurt…but that doesn't mean that it’s not worth it.~~

15 November 2011

The heart knows more than the mind. 
The mind may deny but the heart will always tell the truth.

Most of the time, we think we have to forget about someone and the feelings we have for them .. because it's the best thing to do. So, we force ourselves to forget, we do things that could hurt them to keep them away from us and we try to focus on other things to help us at least not think about them. Yes, there will be a time when we already know how to live without them being our first thought in the morning, how to do things without constantly missing them, and how to move on and don't recall the things you two have shared and have done together. But when your really love this someone, even if your mind have tried and successfully forgot about everything ... there comes a point when the heart reminds you that there's something inside that forgetting cannot deny, and that is, the feelings you have for that special someone. Then afterwards, everything comes in a flash, and you will just see yourself in the flood of memories again. It's so hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your heart still does. It's because the heart will always remind you the truth, the love you feel inside. I believe that mind is weaker, and the heart is smarter. The mind is weak in terms of giving in when the heart already shows reality. The heart is smarter in terms of it's capacity to know when the mind has already drown itself into forgetting, it immediately takes actions in digging and reviving the 'love' you have buried.

It's so hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your heart still does. Yes, it is .. but I believe time will come that you will not have to instruct your mind and heart to stop loving someone .. it just happens. It's like waiting for a wound to heal.

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